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Downers Grove Businesses: Your Fire Hydrants May Need Inspection

June 21, 2018 by Total Fire and Safety

Everyone has seen the fire hydrants on the side of the road and everyone knows how important they are for firefighters to do their job. Can you imagine what would happen if in the heat of an emergency, a fireman hooked up the hose to the hydrant and it failed? That’s why municipalities perform regular inspection and maintenance on “public” fire hydrants.

However, you may also have fire hydrants installed on your private property which are considered yours to inspect and maintain.  The National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) has a standard that is adopted by many village ordinances and outlines the inspection, testing and maintenance requirements that need to be followed.

In other words, to ensure the health of the overall water supply system and the proper functioning of the hydrants located most closely to your business, it is your responsibility to maintain any fire hydrants on your private property.

Recently, the Village of Downers Grove began notifying building owners who have hydrants on their private property of any need for routine inspection, testing and maintenance. The Village is setting an aggressive schedule for ensuring all municipal water mains and hydrants receive the proper testing as outlined by the NFPA standard by September 1. Property owners can contact any commercial fire protection company they want to complete the inspection.

If you need fire hydrant service, Total Fire & Safety can help! We are a trusted, full-service provider of commercial fire protection that has been serving the Village of Downers Grove for more than 30 years.
Our fire hydrant service includes:

  • Full inspection
  • Any needed repair
  • Reporting to DGFD and all third parties ( as directed by the Fire Department

If you are not sure of whether your fire hydrants are in compliance, you can check with the Village of Downers Grove Water Department at 630-434-5460 or the Downers Grove Fire Department at 630-434-5983.

If you would like to schedule your hydrant service today, contact us at 630-960-5060.

Testing ensures the proper flow and flushes debris from the hydrant.


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