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Your "Total" Source For Fire Safety & Security

  1. Can You Protect Employees from the Coronavirus?

    March 17, 2020 by Total Fire and Safety


    By now, most Americans are aware that you cannot contract the Coronavirus by drinking a Corona beer! We also know that the Coronavirus outbreak, that began in Wuhan, China, has spread across 27 countries including the United States. It is estimated that over 87,000 people are infected with the coronavirus or COVID-19 and numbers continue to climb.  Much is unknown about the virus that causes COVID-19, but Doctors and scientists are drawing knowledge from similar coronaviruses and are working on a vaccine.  What is the coronavirus and how can you as a business, keep employees healthy?

    What is the Coronavirus(COVID-19)?

    According to the CDC (Center for Disease Control), Coronaviruses are a large family of viruses that are common in humans and many different species of animals, including camels, cattle, cats, and bats. The virus that causes COVID-19 is spreading from human to human and causes with respiratory infections, like the common cold.  The infection can become severe when it turns into pneumonia. One of the challenges to this virus is that symptoms may not show for two weeks, making it easy to spread.

    What Can Employers do to Keep Employees Healthy?

    The following is the CDC’s recommendation for businesses to create a healthy work environment.

    1. Encourage sick employees to stay home. Employees should be fever free for 24 hours without the use of fever reducing medication.  Stay flexible when it comes to sick leave, i.e., not requiring a healthcare provider note to stay off work. Provide job security and/or remote access when/if they need to stay home.

    2. Encourage clean hands. Provide touch-free sanitizer dispensers, cleansing wipes, soap and water etc. Place informational posters throughout the workplace that encourage healthy precautions.  Instruct employees to use hand sanitizers or wash hands with soap for at minimum 20 seconds.

    3. Enforce Coughing Etiquette. Emphasize the need to cover mouths with arm when coughing or sneezing.

    4. Quarantine sick employees. If employees come to work sick or become ill while at work, separate them from the rest of the population and send them home.

    5. Sanitize touch points daily. Routinely clean doorknobs, buttons, switches, handles etc.(Any area frequently touched).  Have readily available disposable wipes near commonly used surfaces.

    6. Stress caution to employees traveling in or outside the country. If employees become ill while traveling, advise them to contact a healthcare provider immediately.  Employees who show symptoms of illness prior to traveling should stay home.

    A first aid kit can help!

    A first aid kit should always be on hand for any business, but with a new virus in town, its value is even greater. Basic first aid kits contain items like pain relievers and fever reducers, antacids, and bandages to keep employees comfortable and on the job. Other items in a typical OSHA-required first aid kit can also come in handy to help employees fend off coronavirus:

    Wound cleaning agents such as sealed moistened towelettes can be used to disinfect surfaces.

    Latex gloves can come in handy to touch necessary items that may be infected

    Resuscitation equipment such as resuscitation bag, airway, or pocket mask

    Meanwhile, those with symptoms can make good use of other OTC supplies: Aspirin, Ibuprofen, Acetaminophen and Decongestants

    Total Fire and Safety can assist your business in preparing for the coronavirus or any other emergency that may occur by servicing your first aid kit. Together we can fight this epidemic and keep one another healthy Give Total Fire and Safety a call today! (630)960-0560.


  2. The Business Owner’s Checklist for Commercial Fire Safety in 2019

    December 4, 2018 by Total Fire and Safety


    A brand new year is a great time for businesses to evaluate what they can improve upon, even in terms of their commercial fire safety.  No business is completely immune to accidental fires and having the right equipment in place year round can prevent potential devastation.

    According to the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), more than 3,300 fires break out in office buildings across the U.S each year.  The NFPA reports that a number of people are killed or injured with an estimated $112 million in property damage.

    If you’re a business set on achieving your 2019 goal of reaching NFPA compliance, take a look at checklist of equipment you need below for commercial fire safety. Anything missing? Call Total Fire & Safety. We can help!

    ____    Alarms

    • Fire and smoke alarms are the first line of defense and should be regularly inspected and in working order.
    • Consider wireless fire alarm monitoring, which is more efficient for many businesses.
    • Have a plan of action for occupants should the alarm sound.

    ____     Extinguishers and Suppression Systems

    • Conduct tests regularly to ensure function and pressure when activated.
    • Schedule routine maintenance of equipment.
    • Store extinguishers in open areas for easy access.

    ____     Emergency Lighting

    • Effective emergency lighting throughout the building will help occupants to safety in an emergency.
    • Schedule regular maintenance and inspections.

    Equipment is essential and necessary to prevent major damage but people are too! Whether it’s putting out a fire or tending to the injured, what good is the equipment if you don’t have employees able to use it?

    ____    First Aid

    ____    Training Courses

    • A comprehensive fire equipment training course on the use of fire equipment and first aid can place confidence in employees and keep everyone safe.
    • Training employees reduces the chance of small fires starting and spreading.

    You could have all the equipment ready and employees trained to use it but they need something else.

    ____   Emergency Preparedness Plan

    • Remind employees to REACT-(remove from danger, ensure doors/windows are closed, activate alarm, call 911, treat as dangerous.)
    • Conduct fire drills.
    • Schedule inspections of all fire equipment.
    • Have employees trained on firefighting equipment.

    Making sure you have commercial fire safety in place can seem a daunting task but the pros at Total Fire and Safety are here to simplify it.  TFS covers everything including inspection, maintenance, training, and keeping your building up to code so you are well protected in the event of an unforeseen fire. Give us a call today at 630-960-5060.

  3. Recognizing the Right First Aid Kit Service Company for YOUR Business

    July 23, 2018 by Total Fire and Safety

    If you’re like most companies, you are mandated by OSHA to have a first aid kit in the workplace in case of injuries, which is how a first aid kit service company can really be helpful to you.

    It is the job of these companies to make sure that your first aid kits are regularly stocked and replenished with supplies. That way when emergency strikes, your employees have everything they need to help themselves or their fellow employees. And when OSHA inspectors come by, if you are in compliance, you will have everything in the kit that is required. No fines incurred!

    Are all first aid kit service companies alike? Not really.

    For Total Fire & Safety, we are well known for our commercial fire protection but we have also offered first aid services for the past 25 years!

    We know you have a choice when it comes to your first aid services provider and we encourage you to look at the following qualities before making a decision.

    Commitment. Some service companies will expect a lengthy contract from you even before service begins and they will charge a hefty fee to switch your service over from your current provider. Total Fire First Aid Services can get you started with no contract and there is no fee to switch from your current first aid provider.

    Product Quality. Have you ever applied a band-aid that doesn’t stick? Or taken an over-the-counter pain reliever that doesn’t work? Not all first aid supplies are alike. A competent, well-established first aid kit service company will sell you products that will unfailingly do the job when they are called into service.

    Experience. Believe it or not, there are many decisions to be made when it comes to purchasing first aid kits for your company. Depending on the number of employees you have, the type of facility you are covering and the likelihood of accidents, you may stock different supplies in your kits.

    There are different first aid kits too, ranging from general indoor use to those used for rugged, outdoor applications. Your kits may be portable with a carrying handle or reside within a wall-mounted cabinet.

    Choosing an experienced first aid service kit company that caters to your specific needs will ensure that you purchase only what you need for your business. And, they will make sure it is stocked in compliance with all necessary industry standards. For example, did you know that OSHA sets forth the minimal acceptable number and type of first-aid supplies for first-aid kits required under paragraph (d)(2) of the logging standard? This includes:

    1. Gauze pads (at least 4 x 4 inches)

    2. Two large gauze pads (at least 8 x 10 inches)

    3. Box adhesive bandages (band-aids)

    4. One package gauze roller bandage at least 2 inches wide

    5. Two triangular bandages

    6. Wound cleaning agent such as sealed moistened towelettes

    7. Scissors

    8. At least one blanket

    9. Tweezers

    10. Adhesive tape

    11. Latex gloves

    12. Resuscitation equipment such as resuscitation bag, airway, or pocket mask

    13. Two elastic wraps

    14. Splint

    15. Directions for requesting emergency assistance

    Total Fire & Safety technicians are trained and qualified to recommend the best first aid kit supplies for your workplace and possess the experience, knowledge and commitment needed in any good first aid services provider. Summer is a great time to consider switching to Total Fire & Safety. If we can help you make the switch, contact us at 630.960.5060.