Are you ready for a more convenient, easier way to manage your fire and safety needs?
For more than 20 years, businesses have looked to Total Fire & Safety for comprehensive, fire safety solutions. Recently, however, we began searching to make a good thing even better. We recognize that each day, our customers are challenged with keeping track of the installation, inspection, and maintenance of a growing inventory of fire and safety equipment in multiple locations. We wanted them to be able to see a complete picture of their entire fire and safety needs, all in one convenient record. We also wanted them to have an interface where they could access their own information and conveniently request and track service online. When we couldn’t find anything acceptable on the market, we decided to create something!
With the help of a software developer, Total Fire & Safety developed the Total Experiencesm software for our customers! The Total Experiencesm is a revolutionary, one-of-a-kind, customer interface that provides real-time, comprehensive information about a company’s entire inventory of fire and safety equipment from one convenient, online portal. The fire safety solution is only available from Total Fire and Safety and gives customers convenient access and unprecedented control of their information. Here’s how customers receive the Total Experiencesm !
- Customers login to the Total Experiencesm portal. Data for equipment can be requested by location, address, or managing agent.
- Customers can then drill down to request detailed status information for any piece of equipment. Each record shows date installed, inspected, serviced, and next date of service needed. If a piece of equipment needs service, schedule the appointment online from within the portal and even download the information to an Outlook calendar.
- Next, customers can set and customize “business alerts” by text or email to help remember appointments or times to order service. Business alerts can also give real-time progress updates of service technicians and even estimate their time of arrival on-site.
- Finally, customers can track financial data for each location and piece of equipment, and run valuable reports for making prudent purchasing and maintenance decisions.
Look for the launch of The Total Experiencesm in December! If you’d like to learn more about how the Total Experiencesm can help your business now, contact us at 630.960.5060 or at